Monday, April 4, 2011

It's the little things

Things like:

Laughing with my mom...

Sleeping over at a friend's house...

Quoting funny movies with my brothers...

Talking on the phone for hours with people I love...

Looking at pictures on Facebook...

Sharing first impressions and laughing about how wrong or right they were...

Feeling special because a friend drove three hours to come see me...

Getting encouraging cards in the mail...

Wearing new clothes that make me feel pretty...

Goofing around with my sister...

Waking up with a big, silly smile the day after having a wonderful time...


It's the little things, that are actually really big things disguised as little things, that make me smile, feel encouraged, spark a light of hope, and remind me why I live, why I keep going and why God would make someone like me. 

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