Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Long time no blog post!

Sorry! I keep wondering when my life got so busy but I guess it just happened so gradually that I didn't realize I had so much going on and then my poor little blog got neglected. 

I don't have pictures yet but I will put them up as soon as my sister gives them to me. I was able to visit her this last weekend and had such a great time. I've been really missing my girl and it meant a lot to be able to see her and hang out together. 

Yesterday our Backyard Bible Clubs started, we have two at our pastor's and assistant pastor's house and both clubs have had a great turn out. Since my pastor only lives right down the road from us, I've been helping with the club there. I do puppet shows, sing songs and help play games and get wet with the kids. Today was our second day and I'm pretty sure I'm having more fun than the kids are! I love hearing them sing and to see them so excited about the games and Bible stories. 

I have an appointment at the transplant center tomorrow and my dad has an appointment with his doctor up there as well so while I'm not so thrilled about the drive up there, I am looking forward to having lunch with a friend of mine that I haven't seen since my sister's graduation so I'm pretty happy about getting to see her and spend some time with her. :-)

I'll blog tomorrow if I can about how my doctor's visit goes and give y'all a health update so you know how I'm doing. I'm continuing to improve, obviously, since I've gotten myself busy with things like weekend trips to a summer camp to see my sister and playing around with little kids singing Bible songs and doing puppet shows.

Also, if you're not on facebook or you've just missed it, I have started a very informal exercising "program" (I put that in quotes because it's hardly a program) of.... hula hooping! Yes, you read that right. I bought a really cool hula hoop that comes apart into sections for easy traveling and I learned some tricks watching youtube videos. It's an aerobics/cardio exercise like Zumba or Walk Fit and it's very low impact (unless of course, you happen to whack yourself in the head with the hoop while swinging it above your head, like me) and it's a TON of fun. So much fun, in fact, I've got materials to make my own hula hoops and my whole family wants one. :-)

I'm buying a camera from my friend tomorrow (she wants to get rid of it so she can upgrade) and then I'll be able to take a lot more pictures of things like my hula hooping family and the progress of my bedroom redo and all sorts of other fun stuff so you can keep up with this crazy life of mine. 

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